Episode 22
October 14, 2014, Maddox
Episode 22 Transcript courtesy of
Laurie Foster
California Drought Dickbags | 2792 |
Hippies | 2592 |
Here's the 1984 Big Brother
water tattling app that you can use to usher in our impending dystopian future. Not that it matters, because 80% of our water use goes directly towards agriculture and industry, not to mention
15% of our water goes directly towards alfalfa crops. Next time you want to eat alfalfa, eat a dick instead.
And what Tuesday would be complete without a gallon or two of
sweet, sweet governmental hypocrisy? Apparently council members are too important to abide by their own credo. And even though many municipalities
exceeded water usage targets, it hasn't stopped preachy hipsters from their "well, actually..." sermons. They won't be happy until
everyone stops showering.
And speaking of not showering, here's
how to be a hippie according to WikiHow. Because apparently being a judgmental, deadbeat hypocrite takes effort,
and a uniform.
Photo credit:
Darlin Barry,
Kaz / Pixbay.